Standards of Excellence for All Pork and Bacon Breeds

Standards of Excellence for South African Pig Breeds


THE LARGE WHITE ENGLAND All White. Erect ears. Big, medium boned broad backed animal. MEAT Very prolific. Excellent. Dual Purpose. Superior performance. Crosses well with most breeds. E Coli (K88) - sensitivity. Stomach ulcers in certain lines. GREEN
THE S.A. LANDRACE DENMARK All White Drooping ears. Long sided. Fine bone structure. Light forequarters. MEAT Excellent prolificacy. Very good performance. Crosses well with most breeds. Stress susceptibility. Moderate libido of boars. GREEN + (ALMOST AMBER)
THE CHESTER WHITE USA All White. Lop ears. Good symmetry. Well balanced. Deeper in body. Very strong bone. MEAT Prolificacy of sows. Strong bone. Excellent libido of boars. Moderate performance. Certain boars can cause dystokia. Limited gene pool. RED + SIREN
THE DUROC USA Red, Ginger, Dark Brown, Mahogany. Lop ears. Body is muscular. Longer in the leg. Deeper bodied. Strong bone, well developed testicles. MEAT Excellent growth. Very good marbling. Boars have a good libido. Warts do occur. Sows are poor mothers. Strong hair follicles. GREEN + (ALMOST AMBER)
THE HAMPSHIRE USA (ENGLAND BRITTISH SADDLE BACKS) Black with white belt around shoulders. Erect ears. Medium length, depth and thickness. Face is longer, straighter and more narrow than most breeds. MEAT Very high lean muscle yield. Good temperament. Excellent grazers. Limited gene pool. Boars lack libido. Strong hair follicles. Sows are poor mothers. RED LIGHT + SIREN
THE LARGE BLACK ENGLAND All Black Lop ears. Good length and depth of body. Can become very large. BACON Good mothers. Hardiness. Docile temperament. Do well out of doors. Early Maturing. Limited gene pool. No performance testing. Black hair follicles. RED LIGHT + SIREN
THE PIÉTRAIN BELGIUM Unique greyish white color with black spots across the body. Shorter of leg. Stockier in build. Hams are extremely muscled. Semi-lop ears. MEAT Fantastic lean:fat ratio. Lovely temperament. Susceptibility to stress (due to MH-gene). Sub optimal meat quality. Limited gene pool in RSA. RED LIGHT + SIREN
THE KOLBROEK SOUTH AFRICA From black to grey or light ginger. Prominent white round spots on hindquarters. Small body frame. Shortest of all the pig breeds. Pot belly is a characteristic. Belly almost touches the ground. BACON Low maintenance. Can survive on very little. Docile temperament. Not stress susceptible. Heat spotting. Not enough R+D. No performance testing. Limited gene pool - thus inbred. AMBER LIGHT



Pig Breeds

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